
Hineru Queens Birthday Weeken 04-06/06/2011

The white tramping cars battery died so no Friday night take off. Got a new one Saturday morning and Paul and I where off to the Eastern Ruahines to visit Hinerua Hut. Havn't been there for sixteen years so keen to revisit. Was last at this hut with my Dad 24th of January 1993.
Hut book goes back years...
Saturday 04/06/2011
Driving, the Ruahines for us is all about driving, anything more than two hours is lots, unless its walking. The phone number I wrote on my out of print (due to a lack of funding according to DOC) Ruahine Park map still worked got Mark not Peter. Thank you Mark for allowing us access over your land, to the airstrip. And as advised by Mark we rang XXXX to gain access from the airstrip to the forest park. No answer. Left a message and hoped we would bump into XXXX.

All changed there is a batch just above the airstrip, and we got a ride up to the fence line, and walked into Hinerua stayed the night.

Hinerua Hut

Sunday 05/06/2011
Up not to early and up to the tops in a minor wind, not really cold, as one thin layer provided protection so long as walking continued.

Then down to Smiths Creek for a walk, and we stayed the night.
Smiths Creek Hut

Monday 06/06/2011
Up not so early and a sweep off the hut and remove the fire ashes then into the creek for wet feet.

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