
Northen Tararua Huts

Carl and I checking out the Northern most hut North Mangahao Bivouac Saturday evening and later Herepai Hut early Sunday morning.
Road Sign
Saturday 17/03/2012
We headed into North Mangahao biv aiming to just visit the hut and come straight back out as we did not get permission to cross the land until quite late. We walked up the river from the bridge and found the track where expected. We knew that on our way out in the dark we would loose it in places as there is a wide area with a bit of a sketchy track. And loose it we did; having to resort to GPS to get back on route. Was a great walk now I have been to all the official huts in the Tararua's.
North Mangahoa Biv
Had a good laugh at the stupidity of our rules that mean that DOC puts a fire exit on a bivouac like this. On the way out we saw quite a few eels and crawlies in the river, and we even saw one trout.
Eel approaching - Photo by Carl

Sunday 18/03/2012
The door to Herepai hut at two o'clock in the morning, hoping that opening it dosn't wake up sleeping trampers.
An early morning door
Nope, no one here as its always so difficult when you arrive very late. Often people assume no one else will come and they do a gear spread and when you arrive very late it can be tricky clearing a place to sleep. When I arrive very late its too noisy to construct a meal and have a beer or two. This morning was all ok.
Carl snacking
A view of the hut in light of the day.
Herepai Hut
Travel Times
1733 Left car at bridge and headed off up the river.
1935 At the North Mangahao Bivouac.
1946 Left North Mangahao Bivouac.
2257 At car.
0018 Left car at Putara Road end.
0024 First swing bridge.
0057 Second swing bridge.
0144 At Roaring Stage Herepai junction.
0206 At The Bottles.
0227 At Herepai Hut.
0354 Off to bed.
1452 Left Herepai Hut.
1539 At Junction.
1602 At first swing bridge on way out.
1632 At second swing bridge on way out.
1637 At car at Putara Road end.

Map of Trips
North Managahoa Bivouac

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Herepai Hut

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David and Rosey Kiihfuss - 06 376 8655

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