
Jumbo Hut

This is a Carl and Keiko post marriage not weekend trip and here be the trips whisky, a blend and a tasty one at that.
Islay Mist
Wednesday 04/06/2014
We did leave Wellington sometime and drove to Holdsworth car park, then a brisk walk into Aitiwhakatu for the night. What a gigantic fridge this hut has become, one of then barn sized things like Totara Flats and Powell.

Thursday 05/06/2014
Left the dirty barn that is Aitiwhakatu.
The "bigger" Aitiwhakatu
And here is a line up of the least desirable shit left at the hut by the lazy trampers that visit the easy spots. Always the easy huts to get to have a pile of rubbish left. This rubbish seems to be left by the same trampers that also never clean before they leave and never ever ever leave fire wood for the next people. Probably the people with the massive packs and tiny brains who go out once or twice a year.
Tramper rubbish
Arriving at Jumbo 1330 with slight chill.
Jumbo Hut
Got a few refreshments to ensure that there is a total enjoyment of the location even if its a hut bound day.
Mr Carl Hickton dressed not so normal prepping the snack food.
Dinner cloths :-)
Mr and Mrs Araki Hickton at Jumbo.
Getting zipped up?
On the steps at Jumbo
Friday 06/06/2014
Heading out to Holdsworth, then back to Wellington. Stopped at Aitiwhakatu to pick up the rubbish. It was a good pace that was set on the way out.

Love the new bridge.
Great bridge!