
Neil Ridge Circuit

As it is Anzac weekend I decided I would make a passing of Mt Hector where there is a war memorial  dedicated to trampers and mountaineers who lost their lives in world war two.

Saturday 25/04/2015
Late start as I needed to buy some items like food and gas and I had not realised the shops where closed till one o'clock. Short drive to Kiwi Ranch road DOC parking spot and off up the Marchant Ridge for a walk that will finish in the dark. Large amount of fruiting bodies out, been good weather for fungi. Saw one deer out on the Marchant ridge walking track.
Got my torch on at Block XVI for the last couple of hours in the dark and saw an interesting flat worm.
Colorful Worm
Alpha was not full and pleasant with the warmth from the fire.

Sunday 26/04/2015
Out of bed at seven and left the hut at eight, very windy conditions all the way to Hector. Stopped for a brief photo of the cross.
Mt Hector Memorial Cross
Then headed East to Winchcome Peak trailing three men and a dog who where heading the same way. We shared navigation in a couple of places where the clag made ridge choice tricky.
3 men and a dog
East to Neill
Looking towards Tararua Peaks
Once into the forest and the OT's its a nice up and down cruise over Neill to Neill Saddle and then up onto Cone. From Cone its all down hill to Cone hut. Getting close and I could smell lots of smoke and even see it. Had visions of a hut on fire, but no, it was just people cranking an outdoors fire with the green bits of trees. Breif rest for water and snacks and then on to Tutawai.

Stopped at Tutawai for food and drink and then decided that I might as well head home. So a nice evenings walk out to the car. No deer spotted.

Trip Times
Saturday 25/04/2015
1428 Left car at Kiwi Ranch car park
1802 Block XVI turn off
1905 Omega turn off
1914 Bullmound turn off
2012 Alpha Hut
Sunday 26/05/2015
0803 Left Alpha Hut
1023 Mt Hector
1445 Cone Junction
1617 Cone Hut
1626 Left Cone Hut
1709 Tutuwai Hut
1815 Left Tutuwai Hut
2005 At the bridge
2026 Smiths Creek Shelter
2228 Kiwi Ranch car park

Map of Travel 
Green Saturday, Pink Sunday

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