
Punga Hut or Miro Valley Hut

Commonly known as Punga Hut. The name written on the hut books is "Miro Valley Hut", one is a new hut book and the other started in 1994.

Here is a great route guide to Punga Hut

To get there from Wellington, head North to Levin, turning left onto Highway 57. Drive thru Shannon, then Tokomaru, a few kilos later turn left onto Scotts Road. Drive on down this road into the gravel and eventually you see  a road off to a sharp right with some of that "Te Araroa" advertising.
Te Araroa Blah
Head down here and park up by the big steel gate, with another sign of info across the stile.
Scotts Road to Mangahao Road via Burtons Track info
Then you are off, wandering up a gravel road into trees, across a fence into scrub, and then a well cut track all the way to the hut.
View looking North, back to the car park
Into the scrub
Old decayed looking sign?
Native scrub on the ridge
Approximately  one hour and thirty minutes after you leave your car you are at one of those huts that is not officially listed, however it is on hutbagger.com.
Punga Hut
Interior Punga Hut
Interior Punga Hut
Interior Punga Hut
Punga Hut
Punga Hut
This is the seventh of the unofficial huts in the Tararua's I have visited, I know of at least one more that I will be heading to in the very near future, and it wont be getting blogged about.

Map of Area

Trip Times
Sunday 10/09/2016
1422 Left the car at the steel gate
1556 At Punga Hut/Miro Valley Hut
1609 Left the hut
1648 At the fence
1748 At the car

Update 19th January 2025

Have a read here: https://calebsmith.co.nz/2024/02/25/punga-hut-or-bust/


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Would you be able to flick me an email? Have a question or two and might be able to lend you some advice also.

  3. Pig Flat hut is real and easy to find. Email me if you'd like info.
