
Climb Cupola with Jayarn

Brian dropped Jayarn off in Motueka just after twelve pm, then we off to Lake Rotoiti to catch water taxi.

Great Water Taxi

Friday 08/04/2022

Boat ride up the lake to Coldwater hut. Walked into the evening, arriving at John Tait hut with torch light.

Stopped for an hour of food and rest and then on up to Cupola Hut, arriving before 2300 hours.

Saturday 09/04/2022

Evening meal for breakfast, wanting lots of energy for today.

Took us four and a half hours to the top of Cupola. Missed the entry to the zigzag ledge, so carried on up the gully to the left which turned out to be an ok scramble

Such a warm, windless day on the top, no close cloud as the photos show.

Headed down back to Cupola Hut for food and a relaxation, taking the zigzag route (5.27) back to the scree fan. No intention of down climbing the gully. 

Cupola Hut Inside

Cupola Hut Outside

Sunday 10/04/2022

Leisurely breakfast, tidy of the hut, and a fast downhill to John Tait for water and snacks.

A bit of a rush out to Coldwater, boat to catch.

Trip Times


1504 Left Cold water hut

1608 Hukere Stream 

1635 Travers swing bridge

1751 Hopeless Creek 

1930 John Tait hut - stopped for food etc.

2029 Left John Tait Hut

2043 Turnoff to Cupola

2236 Cupola Hut


0808 Left Cupola Hut 

1234 On top of Cupola

1315 Heading down

1539 Cupola Hut


0955 Left Cupola Hut

1059 Track Juntion

 1109 John Tait Hut

1120 Left John Tait Hut

1220 Hopeless Creek

1344 Travers swing bridge

1508 At Coldwater Hut

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