Tuesday 9th September 2019
A day trip with Anthony to bag the three huts easily accessible from the Howard valley road, Booth's hut up Louis Creek and the two Maud huts up the Maud Creek.
DOC Howard Valley info |
Drove a wee way up Monument Road off Howard Valley road, parked oppisite the monument.
Monument |
Not too far from the road end, just a slight up hill ramble to this old family home looking a bit jaded, last sorted 1995. Needs attention soon.
Booth Cottage |
Interesting old cable excavator from 1950's made by
Jaques Australia on the way up Maud Creek.
Jaques Excavator |
Aim was to have lunch at Maud Valley hut, however its a bit of mess with high rat occupancy.
Maud Valley Hut |
Maud Valley Hut |
So back down the track and lunch at the big rock in the sun.
Lunch Rock |
Jaques cable excavator |
Last hut visited was Maud Hut on our way back to road end.
Maud Hut - effects by google photo |
Booths Cottage
Maud Valley Hut
Maud Hut