There are Thought Police on Matiu Somes Island

Those of you who know me are aware that I am a very spiritual man, involved deeply with the water of life (uisge-beatha). One of you even gifted me the nick name of Jebus. I have a deep love for this land especially the wild places.
a hut in a mild wild place
Today as part of my spiritual travels and to grow my bagged hut total I traveled to Matiu Somes Island by East By West ferry.
East by West Ferry
All went to plan I arrived, I bagged Forest and Bird House, part one complete, that just leaves part two.
Forest and Bird House
Part Two is all about the Native American herbal smoking mixture ceremony. This is when the Thought Police sprung into being. In the shed I prepared my mixture from a very small biodegradable bag using a one time use wooden vessel. Some fresh out of school wanna be warden with very broken software headed off to a dark little shed as I told him I completed my journey with a herbal smoke.
Sacred site
Ha ha at this point I knew the wanna be warden was hot lining to the authorities in fear that Reefer_Madness  had arrived at Matiu Somes Island.
Ranger and Reefer both start with an R
On the way back the NZ Police where waiting at Queens wharf to discuss the wanna be rangers allegations.
The way back
Coincidentally my daughter had also been at Matiu Somes Island that day and she saw the NZ Police yakking with me, so came over to check whats happening, and then she almost came under the cloud of suspicion (short lived). After checking my bag they wandered off knowing that wanna be ranger was overzealous and showing his ignorance.

Thank you to the crew of the ferry for the safe travels today.

hutbag 245

Punga Hut or Miro Valley Hut

Commonly known as Punga Hut. The name written on the hut books is "Miro Valley Hut", one is a new hut book and the other started in 1994.

Here is a great route guide to Punga Hut

To get there from Wellington, head North to Levin, turning left onto Highway 57. Drive thru Shannon, then Tokomaru, a few kilos later turn left onto Scotts Road. Drive on down this road into the gravel and eventually you see  a road off to a sharp right with some of that "Te Araroa" advertising.
Te Araroa Blah
Head down here and park up by the big steel gate, with another sign of info across the stile.
Scotts Road to Mangahao Road via Burtons Track info
Then you are off, wandering up a gravel road into trees, across a fence into scrub, and then a well cut track all the way to the hut.
View looking North, back to the car park
Into the scrub
Old decayed looking sign?
Native scrub on the ridge
Approximately  one hour and thirty minutes after you leave your car you are at one of those huts that is not officially listed, however it is on
Punga Hut
Interior Punga Hut
Interior Punga Hut
Interior Punga Hut
Punga Hut
Punga Hut
This is the seventh of the unofficial huts in the Tararua's I have visited, I know of at least one more that I will be heading to in the very near future, and it wont be getting blogged about.

Map of Area

Trip Times
Sunday 10/09/2016
1422 Left the car at the steel gate
1556 At Punga Hut/Miro Valley Hut
1609 Left the hut
1648 At the fence
1748 At the car

Update 19th January 2025

Have a read here: